Sunday, June 22, 2008

How does this blog thing work?!?

I'm doing a horrible job of updating this blog. Please forgive me!

Health update:

My neurologist's LPN informed me that the spinal tap came back negative for MS. Which should be good news, but it's not. 5% of all MS patients have negative tap results. Now we are up for more tests. I asked her if we were going to ignore the lesions on my brain and the other symptoms. She said "Yes. For now."

Say what??? I'm not a doctor but I don't understand the logic involved by ignoring the symptoms. It seems like they should probably be treating the symptoms, not ignoring them.

Now, I am trying to collect my medical records for a second opinion.

Deployment news:
Jaysen is doing good, I guess. I talk to him almost every other day. We don't really have that much to talk about. He either can't tell me or doesn't want to talk about what's going on. My life isn't all that interesting. I can sum up my day in less than 15 minutes. But, I am still thankful that he's more available than he was before.

This deployment is better than the others in that respect. When the war first started, we didn't hear from our soldiers for a few days. There was no way of knowing if they made it okay. We usually found out because the commander would call the rear detachment and then they would spread the word. Now, he has a cell phone! He is able to call any time he has a minute without waiting in line. And he has his own internet connection. Thank God for modern technology!


Matthew is doing fine. I surprised him with a skateboard a few weeks ago. He figured out it isn't as easy to ride as he thought it would be. He did get some use out of it, though.

"Spiderman, Spiderman. Does whatever a spider can."
"Look! It's a bird! It's a plane! It's Superman!"


Terésa said...

Whew! Well, I would say that is better than a proof positive. I hope you are feeling better. My mom has an autoimmune disease, and she is always going undiagnosed, and “ignoring symptoms” really isn’t that uncommon as far as her illness is concerned. :( I’m so sorry for you! I will keep you in my prayers. Glad to see you on here again! I joined a group, Tuesday Tell All... TTA… go to the link on my blog and you can see how it works, but it gives you ideas to blog about, because lets be honest we all run out of them! . Love You!!! xoxo p.s. I added you to my friends list!

Monaco Family said...

Keep trying Matthew, you'll get it. Jonnie good luck with the MD's-keep after it, your just another patient to them. See you guys at Stadium Of Fire!!!!