Friday, September 5, 2008

Where to begin...

I'm totally sucking at this blogging thing, Paula reminded me when she asked me about the MS thing.

Okay, so I went to a neurologist at the University of Utah.  She said that she can say that I don't have MS (whew!).  She thinks I'm having migraines and those "lesions" on my brain are probably blood clots...or something like that.  She put me on some anti depressant, the side effects will take care of the symptoms I've been having.  Except for they knock me out faster than a bottle of 80 proof vodka (I'm assuming.  I wouldn't really know, of course!)

So that's good.


I started school last week to get my Bachelors in Accounting.  


It's an accelerated course through Steven's Henager and 40 of my credits have transferred.  I should be graduating in no time.


Matthew turns 7 on the 22nd.  Seriously, it seems like Jaysen and I just brought him home from the hospital yesterday.  Now, he's in first grade.  What the hell?!?

These are pictures from his first day of school.

The patch on the back of his back pack is Jaysen's Ghostrider patch.


Speaking of Jaysen, he'll be home for vacation next weekend. (!!!)  I'm so excited!  We've been together 9 years and I still get butterflies in my stomach when I think about seeing him again.  The problem I always have with these short visits is my inability to live in the moment.  I can't help but think things like "this time next week, he's going to be gone again" or "Matthew has no clue that daddy won't be here in a few days".  I wish I could be like Matthew and just be happy with daddy for today.  So, that's my goal.  I'll let you know how that goes.

I wish we could go on an extravagant vacation.  But, along with the rest of the nation, money is limited this go around.  Besides finances, traveling by plane is utterly insane.  We'll be sticking close to home for a few days and then we'll drive to Disneyland for Matthew's birthday. Matthew's already deciding which rides he needs to get on first.  He's definitely his father's child.

1st on his list?  Indiana Jones with Star Wars coming in a close second.  He's going to be in Heaven.

Jaysen coming home means that we're a little over half way through this stupid deployment!!!  When he left, I figured I would be perfectly fine because this isn't his first deployment.  I should be a seasoned pro, right?  Somedays, I feel like I'm falling apart at the seams.  I'm grateful for modern technology that allows me to call him and we talk every couple of days.  When the war first started, we went days, sometimes weeks without talking to each other.  Now, we have email, video cams, and cell phones.  (I don't know how our predecessors did it.  I can't imagine going years with no contact.  Even though life sucks sometimes, there is still so much to be thankful for.)

I can't wait to get my normal back.  I really miss Jaysen.  Life is so much easier when he is home.  He's my sanity, except for when he's driving me crazy.  Which is often.  Maybe I'm so delusional with missing him, I'm beginning to forget about the small things that he does that makes me consider lesbianism and forget about men entirely.  Like ...  

I got nothing.  But, I'm fairly certain there's something he does that drives me crazy.  Contraire to popular belief, he's not perfect.  He would like you to think he is, but he does things like...

Fine.  He's perfect and I love him.


My classes are Tuesdays and Thursdays from 6 - 10 pm.  That's four hours of lecture on finance after I get off of work at 5:00.  My sister watches Matthew, so I have to pick him up from her house, come home, pack his lunch, iron our clothes, do the dishes and set up coffee for the next morning.  Luckily, it's only every other day and I get a nice 4 day weekend from school.  But, for those two days, I'm exhausted!

I love some of the ideas on flylady, but I think they were more geared toward stay at home moms.  I think I'm going to start ironing Matthew's clothes a week in advance.  And I will fix his lunch a few days in advance and put it in brown paper bags until they are ready for his lunch box.  

So, that's it for now.

I will write more later and post pictures of our vacation.

1 comment:

Terésa said...

It sounds like you are doing so much better! With FlyLady, the main thing is to adapt for you and your life, your ideas are great!

xoxo Keep up the great work!
