Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Words can't explain...

It is great to be a part of history. It is almost mind numbing ...

I get a little sentimental when I talk about this great country. Truly, I love it. We are awarded such great freedoms that Americans often take for granted. I have even been known to get overly emotional, for pete sake, I cry during the National Anthem!
After nearly 2 years of mud slinging, it's over. So tonight, I'm going to enjoy this victory and be thankful that I get to be a part of history. When my great grandmas Sarah and Sophia were young, they weren't even allowed to vote. When my grandparents were young, they wouldn't have been able to vote for anyone other than a caucasian man.

History is being made, my friends. Regardless of your political affiliation, I hope you take the time to appreciate the progress that our country has made in the last fifty years. Ain't it great?

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