Friday, December 12, 2008

Frustrations, People & all things Wicked

Wicked, the broadway musical is coming to Salt Lake City next year, just in time for my birthday! The tickets went on sale today...I have been looking forward to this moment all year!

I hate people.

My friend Traci was going to stand in line to get tickets, they were going on sale at 7:00 this morning and she got there at 6:00. The line was already 3/4 around the block. She called me so that I could log in at 10:00 to try and get tickets when they were released for online / phone sales.

I hate people.

I began dialing at 9:54. I didn't even have to dial the numbers! It was preprogrammed into my phone, so I just had to hit "ok" twice, hang up and repeat. Not that difficult, right? I did that for 1 1/2 hours straight and I still couldn't get through. I tried ordering online, but when it got to the "complete order", the page would time out.

I hate people.

The reason why nobody could get through is because of stupid bots. People have programmed bots that continuously dial the phone or repeatedly log in to websites, faster than mere humans can. The show sold out in 4 1/2 hours...a month full of shows! Now, they are being sold on Craigslist and Ebay for 4 & 5 times their face value.

The people that were buying up the tickets had no intention to see the show. They wanted to make a profit and prevent other people from seeing the show.

Selfish bastards


My periodontist (whom I love!) wrote a lifetime prescription for an antibiotic so that I don't lose my teeth. It's not a common drug, so the drug store had to order it. I went in on the 30th to fill the prescription, the tech said the pharmacist would be in on Monday. But, I had enough to last me 10 days. I took all of the pills but haven't been able to get back to the pharmacy.

Tonight, I was on that end of town and decided to pick up my non-hallucinogenic drugs.

Except for, I can't.

"You lost your prescription when you didn't come pick it up in 10 days."

"I figured you would have called me if it came in."

"Yeah, we should have."

By this time, a couple of yahoos drive up with their windows down, cigarette smoke pouring from the car. The kicker? There was a baby in the back seat. They continue to puff away and pollute my oxygen.

Thanks. Asshole.

"So, now I have to get my dentist to rewrite another prescription because I am 2 days late from picking up a prescription that I didn't know was ready? Shouldn't have somebody told me when I picked it up the first time that I had 10 days to pick up the remainder?"

"In a perfect world, yes. They would have told you that. But, we don't live in a perfect world."

Say what?

Then she helpfully suggested "you have infinite refills on this particular prescription until November 2009. We can have it ready in 40 minutes."

What was hard about that? Why couldn't she start with that instead of all of this you lost your prescription. I lose a lot of things. But, it is hard to lose something you never had...even for me.

Then the mommy smoker threw her cigarette butt on the ground.

I really hate it when people do that. As if it is going to magically disappear. Don't they realize that someone else is going to have to pick up their nasty germs? Gross.

"Hey. You. Yeah. You dropped something."

What? I'm just trying to be helpful.

Then when I get home, I see an Amazon package waiting for me on the porch. I ordered some books for $.01, so I figured that's what it was. When I open it, everything is wrapped in cute wrapping paper with a note that says "open your presents first". So, I did thinking that I had accidentally clicked the wrapping box when I completed my order.

Oops. Not my books.

It was my favorite show on DVD. All 3 seasons!

I love my husband. Mostly because he hates that show but bought them for me anyway. What a nice guy! I might let him get to second base when he gets home.


Okay, so I don't hate all people. Just the dumb ones.

1 comment:

Cynthia said...

I just went to the dentist last week myself and all my wisdom teeth need to depart my mouth and I have 2 cavities! I figured if my wisdom teeth were not bothering me, well, "why bother?" he just looked at me and laughed and then said "get'm out now or when your 50! well damn, thanks for making me feel better.

I hope by some miracle you find tickets cuz I heard it is a real good play!