Friday, January 30, 2009

Momo #2

So, we lost another Momo.

My Momo.

And I fought to keep that one alive, darnitall.

It was Ick that killed them. And it was horrible watching this one die, knowing I couldn't do anything about it.

I gave him (her?) a salt water bath and Momo's beautiful fins kind of spread back out. I put him back in the tank and he sunk to the bottom. At about 2:30 am, something woke me up. Momo was floating on the bottom of the tank, I moved a plant to get to him and he shot up at me.

I couldn't go back to sleep. At 4:00, I watched him struggle to stay upright. He'd swim and then float upside down. Get back upright and then float back upside down.

I actually cried over this fish.


At 6:00, I checked on him again and he was floating upside down, tangled in the plants. When I moved the plants, he didn't move. This time, I put some water in an old butter container and scooped Momo into it. An hour later, Matthew woke up and we flushed him.

Since then, I've cleaned the tank with Ick stuff and it looks like its gone. We haven't replaced Momo.

Now we have Momo and Poofy. Which is a funny match. Momo is a speed demon, zipping around the tank. Poofy is slow and clumsy. When I feed them, Poofy is like "where's the food? I can't find the food! Where did it go? Oh, there it is. Wait, doh! It's gone. Where's the food?" His cheeks get in the way and he can't see where the food is.

Momo is like "Food! There's the food! I found food! Food! Food! Here, Poofy. Have a piece of food! Ha! Just kidding! Foooooooood!!!"

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