Tuesday, January 3, 2012

I see the moon and the moon sees you (a letter for my husband)

The sun set an hour ago and now it is bitter cold, but the moon is beautiful.  It is oddly comforting that the same moon is watching over you while you sleep.  What I wouldn't give to be lying there next to you.

I really miss you.  I miss everything about you.

Matthew misses you, too.  I know he loves me and at the end of the day, he is his mama's boy.  But he needs you because I make a horrible father.  I know nothing about Legos.  Or Star Wars.  Or Halo.  Or anything to do with the XBox.  I'm not tough like you and I'll admit that Matthew knows how to play me like a fiddle.  But I'm learning to say no (and mean it!)

I'm sitting here watching a television show that you would never sit down to watch with me in a million years.  When you were home, you would hide out and do something else (anything else) just to avoid my stupid show.  But at least you were home.

I want you to be home.  But for now, I'll have to settle for the moon.

Watch his homecoming video.

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