If you look closely, there is a piece of thread tied to that door knob. The other end is tied to Matthew's tooth.
"Mom! I have a great idea!" He says. "Let's tie a string to my tooth and BAM slam the door. Then my tooth will fall out and the tooth fairy will come!"
It was a novel idea, but it didn't work out that way. He was too scared to actually slam the door. He'd seen it done on America's Funniest Videos and thought it sounded fun. Instead, he went to his room and twisted the tooth until it came out...because that's so much less painful.
Speaking of his room...
Earlier in the day, he dumped every toy he owns out on to his floor. We are talking legos, small men...everything. You couldn't see his floor for the layer of toys on it.
After he came down with the tooth in his hand, I explained that the tooth fairy would probably break her leg if she tried sneaking in to his room to put money under his pillow.
"Mom. The tooth fairy flies!"
Duh. Of course she does.
"Well, if she is small enough to fly" I explain, "then she will probably get lost in your toys and will never make it out. You better clean your room. I won't let the tooth fairy in the house if your room looks like that."
He ran up stairs and was gone for about half an hour. I heard toys moving and assumed that he was cleaning his room to surprise me.
But what did he do?

Admit it. You thought I was exaggerating about the toys, huh?
He created a trail so the tooth fairy would be able to find the way to his pillow. If you look closely, you can see arrows on the papers, pointing to his bed. No way the tooth fairy could get lost.
But it gets better.

He drew some money, an arrow and his name. I'm assuming that is so the tooth fairy would know the approximation of the location of his bed should she decide to excavate.
This story has a bitter sweet ending.
The tooth fairy had left a trail of her own arrows. They led him out of his room, down the stairs and to the shelves above our couch where $5.00 was waiting for him.
As for his room. It's clean now. That might have something to do with the fact that he has substantially fewer toys to dump out.
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