Breaking Dawn is out! Yay! Not wanting to spoil the fun for others who may not have read the book, I haven't wanted to post about it. But, I'm certain that the Twilighters who wanted to read it have done so already. If you haven't read it, don't read this post. It is full of spoilers.
It's kind of random, but I have been dying to get this out.
First! OMG!!! I am so glad that Bella and Edward got to have fun swinging from the chandeliers. I was thinking "how in the hell did he leave bruises on her arms like that?" Then, I remembered that they were in the ocean. He was probably spinning her every which way in zero gravity. I'm so jealous!!!
Of course, she gets pregnant. I really didn't see that coming, at all. But how pissed off would you be if you were permanently changed for eternity immediately after giving birth? For crying out loud! She didn't even have time to get a decent waxing or tummy tuck and get the girls back up where they belong...men can be so thoughtless sometimes.
I am so glad that Jacob imprinted! I love Jacob even more than I did before. I'm glad that he didn't hook up with Bella. But I'm wondering how the human / vampire / werewolf children are going to work out.
The whole point of imprinting is to guarantee the werewolf gene will continue. Those are going to be some funky looking offspring. And you thought I had a face only a mother could love!
How weird is it that Renesmee and Bella kissed the same boy? How weird is it that dad asked mom to kill baby so that baby's soul mate could father another child with mom? I come from a dysfunctional family and even I think that is odd.
I love Emmett!!! Every time he said anything about sex, I was like "that's something I would have said!" And poor Edward! He had to spend a century listening to his brothers and sisters get it on with each other. If you thought vampire baseball was loud ...
Speaking of which...poor Bella is with a man that can read people's thoughts and he can't read hers. How convenient would that be to have a husband that just knew?
I can't wait until Midnight Sun. But Stephenie Meyer said that she wouldn't be able to live in Edward's head for an extended period of time because it's so sad and depressing. I agree. The portions of the story where he was ready to die were unbelievably depressing. I hated watching Edward suffer the way he was.
I'd like to see more of him being happy. I hope this isn't the end of the Cullen coven.
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