First, he compared Obama to Britney Spears and Paris Hilton, saying that Obama is nothing more than a celebrity and ended with the question "is he ready to lead?" This ad was supposed to highlight the fact that Obama is interested in nothing more than being an international celebrity.
Here's the issue I have with this ad...
How is this ad indicative of McCain's leadership? It's not. McCain has no decent ideas and he knows America is itching for change. Instead of ponying up his playbook, he's diverting the spotlight and making wild accusations.
If you don't have any good plays, perhaps it's time to take your ball and go home.
Frankly, I think we need an international celebrity. The rest of the world HATES Americans. Seriously, they despise us. If we are going to get rid of our reputation of being bullies, we need to have someone in the office that the world can relate to.
McCain also has an ad out that paints Obama as a Messiah. It shows Moses parting the Red Sea and Obama's seal descending out of the heavens. For a second, I thought he was talking about the Bush administration and how untouchable they are. After all, they are on God's side and can do no wrong! Did I say they are on God's side? My bad. I meant that God is on their side...nobody is more powerful than PotUS.
But, I digress...
Is McCain really scared to show what he has to offer? Of course he is! It's more of the same. If the play isn't working for the fifteenth consecutive time, divert attention from yourself in the wildest way possible and pray that the audience doesn't notice you're banging your head against the wall...again.
The latest gaffe at Obama's expense comes from a comment that Obama made. Obama suggested that tire inflation could help with the energy crisis. And, it's true. Anybody with half a brain can tell you that your tire inflation has a direct effect on your car's gas mileage. And at over $4.00 / gallon, everybody should be looking for ways to stretch their MPG...that's the fiscally and environmentally responsible thing to do.
McCain's answer?

Very nice.
Please tell me, McCain, what is your energy plan? Do you have anything up your sleeve besides sarcastic remarks?
Here's an idea, Senator McCain...leave the funny stuff to the comedians. You should start acting like there's a country to run. I'm starting to get nauseated from all of this spin.
On a side note. I think I agree with Obama's energy plan. There should be a windfall profit tax. The oil companies are enjoying record profits while the rest of the economy is suffering. One only needs to read the headlines at to see how the economy is doing. It seems that everything is directly related to gas prices.
Now, it costs just as much to buy a gallon of milk as it does to buy a gallon of gas. If had $5.00 to your name and you had to choose, which would you buy?
I also think that there should be a war tax. During previous wars, Americans were asked to sacrifice on behalf of the soldiers and the nation was 100% behind those that were fighting. They bought war bonds and they planted gardens so that more food could be sent to the troops. This time, I think most Americans are oblivious to the fact that there is still a war raging.
I don't think that the surge worked. Sad, but true. Yes, there is a lot of progress being made in Iraq. But the purpose of the surge was to establish democracy and that hasn't happened yet. But now, the Iraqi government wants us out. I think it's time to pack up and go home. But, I know that even when they come home from Iraq, there's still a war happening and soldiers dying in Afghanistan.
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