Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Now this is just sexy!!!

Okay, I totally dig my guy...but Beyonce is HOT!

I'm fairly certain I would break something if I were to do that. After I figure out how to get my hips to do that thing without injuring myself, I'm going to figure out how to do it in those shoes! I can't even walk across a flat surface barefoot and she's prancing around in 3" stilettos.

Life isn't fair.

As long as we are talking about what's not fair, let's discuss Shakira.

Or rather, let's not.

1 comment:

Cynthia said...

you know the dark skinned one is a man right? lol yes, true. wait till she has a kid or two, she wont be looking for stilletos she will be grabbing tennis shoes. lol