Monday, May 18, 2009

Everybody knows that Matthew is my life

It's not a secret. I like hanging out with him. He is so funny and comes up with the craziest things. Sometimes I look at him and see my baby. And then he opens his mouth and I catch a glimpse of what he will soon be.

A couple of days ago, he called me crying. I told him to be brave, that it was almost over and I would see him again. He broke down in a sob. "Mom, I can't believe we're separated."

Which isn't that big of a deal, I suppose. It's just the idea that not too long ago, he was crying because "I want my mommy!" Now the idea that the same thought has been verbalized in such a grown up matter just amazes me.

Today I was in training, taking a test. When Matthew left, I had told him that he was allowed to call me at any time. Of course, he had to talk to me while I was taking the test. I couldn't answer the phone so it rang (silently) about a dozen times. Afterward, my coworkers and I were sitting around a table in the break room when it rang again.

"Hello my favorite little boy! How are you?"
"Mom. You didn't answer the phone. You said I could call you any time I wanted to and then you don't answer the phone."

I apologized profusely and we continued talking about intensely personal stuff. Actually, he told me that he has 10 different GI Joes and then named them all one by one. When I told him that I had to get back into class, he goes "Okay, let's hang up together. Okay? Ready? One. Oh, hold on. I love you, mama. Okay. One. Two. And are you still there? Okay. One. Two. Three."


Or at least I hope it clicked because it did on my end.

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