Tuesday, June 2, 2009

I'm getting old.

Most of you might not realize that I am almost 30 years old. Sad, but true. I realized I was getting old when I went to Universal Studios last weekend.

We arrived at the park around noon. By 4:30, my feet were killing me and I was ready to go home. Standing in an hour long line for a 45 second ride has lost its novelty. And still, I found myself standing among people who believe that deoderant is a luxury they can no longer afford. I understand that in this economy we have to make sacrifices. But passing up deo when you know you'll be in confined spaces in 90 degree weather is just inhumane.

Throw in a child that is whining because the ever expanding line refuses to move with a repetitive "mommy, it's sooooooooooo hhhhhhhhoooottttttttttttt!" and there you have an afternoon that precious memories are made of.

1 comment:

Alisa Roberts said...

Just to make you feel better, I am older. In my eyes, you are still young. Glad you had fun. We got season passes to Lagoon so we can come and go if its busy because I am wayyy to old to be standing in line in the heat. Thank goodness we dont have the humitity like you do.